A Personal Journey


More and more I realize what a gift it's been and continues to be to be able to spend a lifetime writing and sharing song and stories. To live a professional life so aligned and intertwined with a personal journey. The songs and stories in this room give voice to that life including what I call One of Those Times in a Life which are 49 virtual campfires teaming with tales and tunes describing moments in what has been and continues to be an amazing adventure.

Songs with Stories


Concert for the Class of '65

  • Class of '65 Concert - Part 1

    (Episode 1)

    In MORE SONGS AND STORIES FROM HOME Mark Pearson shares a belief that we are all in this together, more alike than different, capable of finding common ground in the stories we share and the songs

    Picture of Mark Pearson singing on stage at the Class of '65 concert
  • Class of '65 Concert - Part 2

    (Episode 2)

    In MORE SONGS AND STORIES FROM HOME Mark Pearson shares a belief that we are all in this together, more alike than different, capable of finding common ground in the stories we share and the songs

    Picture of Mark Pearson singing on stage at the Class of '65 concert
  • Class of '65 Concert - Part 3

    (Episode 3)

    This Episode contains more songs written for individual classmates.

    Mark on stage at the class of '65 concert
  • Class of '65 Concert - Part 4

    (Episode 4)

    This Episode contains more songs for classmates.

    Class of 65 #4 Podcast image: close up of Mark singing into a microphone on-stage

One of Those Times in a Life

A Graduation Celebration

  • Graduation Celebration Part One - Mountains, Metaphors, & Un-walked Miles

    50 years after dropping out of college to become a member of the folk group, The Brothers Four, I received my Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Department of Communications at the University of Washington. I felt the occasion needed to be duly celebrated. Because I was going to be touring with The Brothers Four at the time of the formal UW graduation, I chose to mark the moment in front of family and friends with songs, stories, and special guests.
    Graduation Celebration ~ Songs & Stories From Home Episode 9 ~ Mark Pearson Music
  • Graduation Celebration Part Two - Shame as a doorway to grace

    This Podcast talks about how and why I went back to college to do the work to obtain a degree. My family story is similar to many.  My grandfather came to America so his children could have an opportunity at a better life. His children and/or their spouses became doctors, dentists, professors, and engineers.
    Graduation Celebration - Shame as a doorway to grace ~ Songs & Stories From Home Episode 10 ~ Mark Pearson Music
  • Graduation Celebration Part Three - The Importance of Faith

    In this section I talk about discovering the importance of faith - though not necessarily religious faith - while preparing to become part of a Civil Rights Pilgrimage in 2014.
    Graduation Celebration Part Three - The Importance of Faith - Songs & Stories From Home Episode 11
  • Graduation Celebration Part Four - We Are Not Alone

    One of the things that has become clearer to me over the years is that – like it or not, know it or not – we are not alone. We are all in this together. We are somehow connected to each other and all living things – often in ways that we may not be aware of and cannot easily define or explain.
    Graduation Celebration Part Four - We Are Not Alone ~ Songs & Stories From Home Episode 12 ~ Mark Pearson Music

Gratitude, Grit & Grace Concert

  • Gratitude, Grit and Grace Concert

    Beginning in 2011 I shared the story of my life and career around 49 virtual campfires. The 49th campfire was “lit” in front of family and friends at a concert at Benaroya Hall in downtown Seattle in May of 2017.
    Gratitude, Grit, and Grace Concert ~ Songs & Stories From Home Episode 19 ~ Mark Pearson Music
  • Gratitude, Grit and Grace Concert #2

    As I continue to talk about family secrets and share experiences of facing my deepest fears and learning to love myself, I want to take a moment and say how much I love my folks and my brothers. My dad was and remains one of my lifelong heroes.
    Gratitude, Grit, and Grace Concert #2~ Songs & Stories From Home Episode 20 ~ Mark Pearson Music
  • Gratitude, Grit and Grace Concert #3

    I have come to trust the idea that we can live a meaningful life if we live that life with an attitude of gratitude – if we are willing to offer grace and accept it from others as well as ourselves – and if we have the grit to keep going even in and through our darkest times.
    Gratitude, Grit, and Grace Concert #3~ Songs & Stories From Home Episode 21 ~ Mark Pearson Music
  • Gratitude, Grit and Grace Concert #4

    Some of the most familiar words in the English language are from the New Testament. “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
    Gratitude, Grit, and Grace Concert #4 ~ Songs & Stories From Home Episode 22 ~ Mark Pearson Music