Songs and Stories Blog

I'll be using this blog over the next few years to go in depth with stories of songs shared in my new podcast, More Songs and Stories From Home, and share thoughts on a lifetime of songs and stories.

Recent Posts

  • Four Young Boys Now Four Old Men

    The four of us who sang in college have remained lifelong friends. Between Christmas and New Years in 2022 we decided we would go back to the Phi Gamma House just off the University of Washington campus where we met and made our one recording in December of 1967.
    Mark and friends playing and singing together
  • Leading Me To You

    There are times to step out of one's life and then times to return to one's life.
  • There You Were

    More and more I have come to believe in the importance of rituals and transitions. This visit Pat and i made to my parents' gravesite was the time to truly understand they were both on the other side of this life now.
  • Part of the River

    There is something very real and truly magical about a river
  • Journey Home

    There is something awe inspiring about watching salmon return from whence they came.
    The journey home...
  • Letting in the Light

    Healing can come when one brings light to the darkness.
    My dad and I among the shadows
  • Opening the Gate

    A childhood full of memories
    Holiday greetings from the Pearsons circa 1957
  • Part of a Bigger Story, Part of a Timeless Song

    My folks have now become part of a bigger story, part of a timeless song
    Celebrating one love and two lives
  • Class of 65

    The song is meant as a tribute to special people and a unique time-and dedicated to those no longer with us-it is something to look at those experiences from the perspective of years later-with this reunion a chance to remember and be remembered
    Class of 65
  • The Castaways

    What a thrill to sing one more time in the high school auditorium with the folks I sang with there 60 years earlier.
    The Castaways 60 years later