1968 - Part 4

(Episode 23)
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The Summer of 1968 opened up new worlds to me and for me. My three college friends and I represented the University of Washington in a national talent show. We got to the semi-finals where we competed against the Carpenters who were representing Long Beach State in their first exposure to a national audience. For the first time in my life I could begin to imagine music as a possible career path. 

Doing social work on the Lower East Side in New York gave me access to a world that I could only imagine. 

At the same time the country was barreling toward a future untested, uncertain, unknown. It appears today we are living with the backlash of all the changes that were being birthed in the heat of that tumultuous summer. 

For me the heat meant warmth and possibility.  

Here is a link to the latest Blog Post.

Here's a link to the latest Song with Story. This one is mostly Story