A New Beginning, Full of Gratitude
First of all I want to thank everyone who took the time to be part of One of Those Times in a Life. It was an amazing seven-year journey of memory and discovery, sharing what I found in songs and stories around forty-nine virtual campfires.
All 49 campfires remain lit. You find them along with a Trail Guide at the website. Over the last few months behind the scenes the website was being updated and redesigned, getting ready for the next adventure.
Songs and Stories from Home
“As someone who has faith in the power of stories and songs – who believes in the might, magic, and mystery of love – both loving and being loved – and who trusts that together songs sung, stories told, and love shared can lead us home – I’d like to welcome you to Songs and Stories from Home.”
So begins the next chapter. It wasn’t clear exactly what was different when I came off the stage at Benaroya Hall after lighting the 49th Campfire on May 13, 2017. I did know that nothing would ever be quite the same again.
In May of 1997 it was unexpectedly revealed at my dad’s memorial that he had been in a mental institution the months before and after I was born. A family secret would be a secret no more. I came to see that public revelation as my dad’s last gift to me. In the years that followed I was able to replace silence and secrets with stories and songs. In the process I was able to face my deepest and darkest fears while learning to love in more profound and meaningful ways. I also now believe that 49th campfire concert marked the end of a twenty-year journey and personal odyssey. When I stepped off that stage I was mysteriously and metaphorically coming home to a new world yet one I knew so well. There is so much to discover, so much to explore. I look forward to sharing what I find in Songs and Stories from Home.
Gratitude, Grit, and Grace
Lighting the 49th campfire for One of Those Times in a Life included introducing 15 songs from the album Gratitude, Grit, and Grace. Now, every month I will be introducing a concert video and a studio recording of one of those songs as well as sharing a bit about the song, why it was written, and how it fits into the story.
Visiting the Vault
Over the years I’ve written songs that were connected to stories as well as stories with songs to go with them. Every month I will be visiting the vault and share a song and some of the story that goes with it.
As we go forward I will be inviting you to become more “involved” by making a financial contribution. All those nights back in the day we called it “passing the hat.” Somehow it’s returned to that after all these years. These days the “hat” is virtual but the gratitude is as real as ever. Find me on Patreon.
As always you can support the journey and find all my music on my Store at MarkPearsonMusic.com
Long ago and far away
In December of 2018 it will be 50 years since I joined The Brothers Four. Photos and links to audio recordings from a nearly half a century of experience and experiences will be included in each Muse Letter.
The picture and recording this month are both from 1969. We sang in coat and tie in those days. The group from left to right is Dick Foley, myself, Bob Flick and John Paine. The song, Both Sides Now, was on the last album the group recorded for Columbia Records. Studio musicians played on the session including Neil Levang who had his car broken into while we were recording.
At this time I’m not performing a lot but any scheduled performances will be listed on the Muse Letter.
July 27th
Saratoga Springs, NY
An Evening With The Brothers Four

July 28th
Rockport, MA
An Evening With The Brothers Four

July 29th
Wrentham, MA
An Evening With The Brothers Four

Sept 1st
Coyle, WA
Mark Pearson, Concerts in the Woods