A Loving Man Because of You

The hardest thing I've ever done is learn to love myself. The only thing that came close to it was truly letting someone know and love me. Even the broken places. Especially the broken places. For so long the goal was to face my "fears" so they could become somehow magically transformed by and into "love." What has proven to be the case is that instead of "fears" defining "love" it has become "love" defining "fears." 

Or, in the case of this song: "From a frightened man who's love to a loving man afraid." 

This song can be found on the Missing Peace album.

For Pat

Pat and I have been friends since college and life partners since 1990. In this room you’ll find songs and stories that shine a light our life together. It took a long time for me to realize and give voice to a lifelong challenge I’ve had which is believing I am worthy of loving and being loved. It took someone special to be there through it all. Pat’s that person with me for the long journey and there to greet me when I believe I’m finally home.
An open doorway showing Mark Pearson sitting with a guitar and his wife, Pat

In This Room

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