It is because of The Brothers Four that I have been able to live a life and have a career singing songs and telling stories. The group gave me my start at 21 in 1969.
When I joined The Brothers Four in 1969 the group needed to record one more album for Columbia Records. We went to LA and recorded in January. They asked me to sing a solo on Both Sides Now.
The Brothers Four introduced "Winds of Green" in Japan in 1990. It was written by founding group member, Bob Flick. In writing this song, as well as producing the recording, Bob showcased what The Brothers Four do well.
In 2008 The Brothers Four were invited to sing at a musical festival in Seoul. In addition to performing in the Olympic Stadium we had a chance to go to the DMZ that divides North and South Korea and perform at a nearby venue.
The Brothers Four left Columbia Records and signed with Fantasy Records in 1970. When we were choosing material for the new album I showed the guys a song I had written. It was a thrill to have it be on the album.
In this room you will find songs and stories about my experiences as a member of The Brothers Four going back to when I first joined the group in 1969. In many ways it’s because of The Brothers Four that I have been able to have a life and career singing songs and telling stories. You may find that reflected here.