You Are The One

There are a couple of stories that go with this song. I remember waking up one morning and looking over at Pat and saying, "Love is the question. Love is the answer. Love is the reason, and you are the one." As soon as I said it I realized there could be a song there. The challenge was how to find the best song.

I'd met Ted Brancato when we recorded the "Between Friends" album in 1981. We recognized something in each other and became friends. In the next few years he and his folks and his sister became sort of a second family to me. 

When we were going to record what became The Missing Peace album it was decided that Ted would be the producer, arranger, and musical director as well as playing piano. He and I also decided that he would help write some of the songs. "You Are The One" is one of those collaborations. 

For Pat

Pat and I have been friends since college and life partners since 1990. In this room you’ll find songs and stories that shine a light our life together. It took a long time for me to realize and give voice to a lifelong challenge I’ve had which is believing I am worthy of loving and being loved. It took someone special to be there through it all. Pat’s that person with me for the long journey and there to greet me when I believe I’m finally home.
An open doorway showing Mark Pearson sitting with a guitar and his wife, Pat

In This Room

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