Real Life Field of Dreams

As we get older the line between this world and the next, whatever form that takes, becomes fainter. More of those we love go across that line. Each day brings us personally closer to the line. The movie Field of Dreams dared to let us believe or at least dream of the possibility of being again with those we love in this life. This songs asks the question what if for an hour I had a real life field of dreams

A friend of ours had recently brought his father up from San Diego to be near him when McCoy and I sang this song at a concert they attended. I noticed they were holding hands. I gave them a nod when the song was finished. 

For Family & Friends

For more than 50 years I’ve written songs, letters and stories to and for and about family and friends. This room is a gathering place for many of those songs and stories and letters as well.
An open doorway showing Mark Pearson with family and friends.

In This Room

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