An Anniversary
On June 8th a year ago I was having open heart surgery after a heart attack. It was a scary time that became more so when I developed atrial flutter six weeks post op. Today in the midst of a very special Brothers Four tour of Japan I want a take a moment to remember those days a year ago. I want to thank Dr. Charles Anderson who performed the surgery, and Dr. Nathan Segerson who did the ablation that took care of the atrial flutter. Dr. Chai Kanithanon, the anesthesiologist, played a special role during the surgery but an equally important one helping to allay one of my greatest fears that I might lose my voice after surgery. (Something that happened to my dad after his heart surgery.) There was Jill E. who was there during the darkest times and countless others in the hospital and rehab who I promised I would never forget but who I struggle now to remember.
A special thanks to my wife, Pat, who was there every step of the way beginning when a few steps was all I could take. There were many who wrote cards, made phone calls or visited. I remain incredibly grateful.
It was a very emotional time. Remembering all of it a year later in a hotel in Tokyo is an emotional moment. I am filled with gratitude. For life. For all those who are part of this life. Thank you.