Explore the Rooms
My home is yours. Please come in and explore a room.
The Brothers Four
In this room you will find songs and stories about my experiences as a member of The Brothers Four going back to when I first joined the group in 1969. In many ways it’s because of The Brothers Four that I have been able to have a life and career singing songs and telling stories. You may find that reflected here. -
With Mike McCoy
Mike McCoy and I came to the University of Washington on football scholarships. We became friends and started singing together our freshman year. In this room you'll find songs and stories illuminating some sixty years of sharing the stages of our lives including 30 Dear Partner Letter videos filled with music and memories about our enduring friendship and musical partnership. -
For Pat
Pat and I have been friends since college and life partners since 1990. In this room you’ll find songs and stories that shine a light our life together. It took a long time for me to realize and give voice to a lifelong challenge I’ve had which is believing I am worthy of loving and being loved. It took someone special to be there through it all. Pat’s that person with me for the long journey and there to greet me when I believe I’m finally home. -
For Family & Friends
For more than 50 years I’ve written songs, letters and stories to and for and about family and friends. This room is a gathering place for many of those songs and stories and letters as well. -
A Lover's Quarrel with the World
When someone asked Robert Frost what he wanted on his tombstone his answer was: He Had A Lover's Quarrel With The World. The songs and stories you’ll find in this room are part of my lover’s quarrel with the world including what I call Remembering the Dream, 21 videos sharing songs and stories from the Civil Rights Movement of the 50’s and 60’s and how those songs and those stories connect with and help us understand the times we are living in now. -
For the Next Generation
It was an article by Ellen Goodman that introduced me to the idea that we start off believing that life is sprint – eventually discovering it’s a marathon – before finally coming to the realization that what life truly is is a relay. The songs and stories that will begin to fill this room reflect on and off of that idea. Songs and stories dedicated to my grandchildren and all of those who come after who will soon be inheritors of the world we will be leaving to them.