Hate or Love

There are only a few times when I write songs about stories I read in the newspaper. Even fewer where I feel I "succeeded" or did the story justice. "Hate or Love" is one of those songs. 

For me it was important to not tell the story about a woman whose life was shattered by war but to try to let her tell that story. It was a fine and delicate line to walk.  

Faced with horrendous circumstances she had to decide whether to act as her neighbor did - out of hate - or out of love. I want to believe I would and do chose as she chose.

A Lover's Quarrel with the World

When someone asked Robert Frost what he wanted on his tombstone his answer was: He Had A Lover's Quarrel With The World. The songs and stories you’ll find in this room are part of my lover’s quarrel with the world including what I call Remembering the Dream, 21 videos sharing songs and stories from the Civil Rights Movement of the 50’s and 60’s and how those songs and those stories connect with and help us understand the times we are living in now.
Image of an open doorway with Mike pearson sitting on a beach look out over the water

In This Room

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