For the Next Generation

It was an article by Ellen Goodman that introduced me to the idea that we start off believing that life is sprint – eventually discovering it’s a marathon – before finally coming to the realization that what life truly is is a relay. 

The songs and stories that will begin to fill this room reflect on and off of that idea. Songs and stories dedicated to my grandchildren and all of those who come after who will soon be inheritors of the world we will be leaving to them.

Songs with Stories

  • This I Wish For You

    Pat sang this to Lindsey for her 15th birthday. Then 30 years later Lindsey and Pat sang this song for two year old Eva. A song and wishes shared among generations. 

  • The Missing Peace

    This song was written for Lindsey when she was seven. It became the title song for an album. I sang it at her wedding. Now sing it for her children. 

  • The Song We Sing Together

    This song was written for Jodie when she was ten years old. The recording is of McCoy and me singing it at the end of a concert at Meany Hall in 1984. 

  • Following the Light

    It is one of the joys and wonders of each year for Pat and me to go to Skagit and to marvel at the swans and snow geese who populate the fields each winter. So much about it is filled with majesty and magic. The power. The beauty.