Remembering the Dream: An Introduction

Songs & Stories From Home Episode 36


Let justice roll down like water, righteousness like a mighty stream. For our grandsons and granddaughters, remember to remember the dream.

Welcome to Songs and Stories from Home. For the next few months we will be sharing songs and stories from a video I created called Remembering the Dream.

Remembering the Dream was inspired by six visits I made to the American South as a part of intergenerational, interracial groups who got on a bus and visited sites, heard stories, and sang songs important to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950’s and 60’s. Those trips – those Pilgrimages - were life changing and life affirming for me – reminding me how important the story of the Civil Rights Movement is to the story of this country – of how Dr. King’s still uncompleted dream is connected to the still unfinished dreams of the Founders. 

The story of the Civil Rights Movement is exciting and filled with bravery and sacrifice. It is a story about how the best of this country can triumph over this country’s worst impulses. A story that includes the best of a group of individuals combining with the best of the three branches of the Federal Government and the Free Press to help make the Declaration of Independence a living document for all Americans. 

My faith in the best of this country. My love of the songs and stories. A belief that the Civil Rights story is one of this country’s most important moments. A conviction that all of us should know and celebrate that story. These things inspired the creation of Remembering the Dream. A dream that is as important today as it’s ever been. 

I look forward to sharing and Remembering the Dream with you.